We undertake odour assessments to support planning applications for small residential developments to large industrial installations. Â
We undertake odour assessments to support permit applications, variations and enforcement notices. Â
We provide support on odours for the public sector.Â
ODC are proven expert witnesses in odours.Â
We investigate odours and building/tank containment for enforcement notices, abatement specification and design, mitigation strategies and BAT assessments.Â
We undertaken both desk-based and site-based assessments across the UK.Â
About us
Odour Consultants (ODC), part of Kalaco, has a proven track record of providing solutions to our clients across the private and public sectors. Our growing team of experts has over 80 years’ experience and collaboratively we draw knowledge and expertise from a range of backgrounds to enable us to deliver services of any scale and for a wide range of industries.
We have substantial experience providing services to the private sector including the following: residential, commercial, industrial, power-generating, waste, agricultural, transport developments, and food-retail facilities. We also have extensive experience in providing services to the public sector, including support for local authorities.
We are also experienced expert witnesses with a proven track record of presenting evidence on odours at public inquiries and hearings and have supported communities experiencing odour nuisance from industrial and waste management facilities.


We provide assessments to support planning applications. These include: residential developments, sewage treatment works, agricultural facilities (including intensive poultry, dairy and pig farming), aviation, food manufacture, commercial food outlets, breweries, landfill sites, ports and marinas, anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, waste management, and composting.
We provide assessments to support environmental permitting. These include: permit applications, permit variations, enforcement notices, Odour Management Plans (OMPs), mitigation strategies.

Public Sector Support
We provide support to local authorities and Government bodies. These include: technical review services (e.g. EIA reviews), odour guidance development, and local/national policy.
We support industry by investigating sources of odour, preparing site odour audits, producing bespoke odour management plans, and undertaking odour abatement system testing and performance reviews.

Expert Witness & Litigation
Our team has acted as expert witnesses for a range of cases. These include: planning appeals, hearings and inquiries. We also support with litigation as experts in odour.

We provide assessments to support planning applications. These include: residential developments, sewage treatment works, agricultural facilities (including intensive poultry, dairy and pig farming), aviation, food manufacture, commercial food outlets, breweries, landfill sites, ports and marinas, anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, waste management, and composting.

We provide assessments to support environmental permitting. These include: permit applications, permit variations, enforcement notices, Odour Management Plans (OMPs), mitigation strategies.

Public Sector Support
We provide support to local authorities and Government bodies. These include: technical review services (e.g. EIA reviews), odour guidance development, and local/national policy.

We support industry by investigating sources of odour, preparing site odour audits, producing bespoke odour management plans, and undertaking odour abatement system testing and performance reviews.

Expert Witness & Litigation
Our team has acted as expert witnesses for a range of cases. These include: planning appeals, hearings and inquiries. We also support with litigation as experts in odour.
Dispersion modelling
Our experts undertake mathematical dispersion modelling to predict odour impacts from a wide range of sources such as sewage treatment works, AD facilities and agricultural uses. We use our own in-house meteorological data which can be purchased here.
Field odour surveys (i.e., sniff tests)
We undertake systematic sniff tests for existing odour sources to support planning applications and to corroborate modelling studies. Our expert odour assessors have had their acuity to odours tested in a laboratory against BSEN 13725:2003 to reference material, which demonstrates they are within the ‘normal’ acuity range to undertake sniff tests.
Desk-based risk assessments
We undertake odour risk assessments, in accordance with the IAQM guidance, to determine the risk of odour impacts from proposed sources/sites, or to support wider, multi-tiered assessments.
Community surveys
In cases of odour annoyance or nuisance in a local community, we can work with community groups to design odour diaries, process data, and provide detailed interpretation and analysis of complaints logs and odour diaries.
Trace gas monitoring
We undertake trace gas monitoring to support odour assessments using a wide range of techniques, including those set out in BSEN 13725, and can measure key compounds such as (but not limited to) hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, mercaptans, dimethyl sulphide, and VOCs (both total VOCs and chemical speciation).
Smoke testing
We use smoke testing to locate leaks in building/tank fabric and ductwork, identify pathways for odours between and within properties/buildings, and to test the efficacy of extraction systems. We are able to undertake smoke tests for residential properties, restaurants and takeaways, air extraction systems of any size, and large manufacturing and storage facilities across the UK.
Quantification of odours
We undertake odour sampling in accordance with the methodologies set out in BSEN 13725 from solid/liquid area sources, ducts/stacks, ambient building air and tank headspaces. The samples are analysed to determine the total odour concentration (in European odour units) at an UKAS accredited olfactometry laboratory.
Complaints analysis
We use complaints data to help determine the historic odour issues in a community, and to corroborate the findings of assessments, particularly those using modelling.

Sewage Treatment Works
Our team produced technical odour assessments in support of the planning application for a new residential development in Devizes, close to an existing Sewage Treatment Works (STW).

Sewage Treatment Works
Hillworth Road, Devizes
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Sewage Treatment Works
Hillworth Road, Devizes
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High St, Wootton Bassett
ODC are pleased to have assessed the odour conditions for occupancy of a new residential flat in Wootton Bassett.

Sewage Treatment Works
Hillworth Road, Devizes
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Sewage Treatment Works
Hillworth Road, Devizes
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Our team

Kieran Laxen
Director and Founder

Claire Holman

Paul Outen
Associate Director

George Bratchel
Senior Consultant

Thomas Wescott

Elen Jones

Ellie Tsiarapa

Liana Malynczakova
Contact us
Chapel House
Barton Manor
0117 9112423
Kalaco (Kalaco Group Limited) has a number of brands offering a range of environmental services. These include air quality (outdoor and indoor AQ), climate change, odour, dust, meteorological services. Click the links below to find out more.